See the public Internet Protocol (IP) address you are using

All Internet connections must have a public IP address

Things Good To Know

  • IP addresses are assigned to computers and devices, not people.
  • The Internet Service Provider (ISP) assignes this IP address so you can get online.
  • One can only estimate your location which is based on this IP address.
  • The IP address does not reveal your name and physical address. Only your ISP knows this information.
  • The IP address can be logged by websites you visit.
  • The IP address can also be revealed with sent emails.
  • Peer-to-peer file sharing and other online services can reveal the IP address.
  • This IP address can be used for online tracking by advertisers to target ad’s.
  • Your Internet provider monitors your online behavior with this IP address.

 Is there a way I can hide the public IP address I use? Yes, with a Virtual Private Network (VPN).